half day
per person
About 4h
Partanna is home to an archaeological area 2 km from the town dating from the Neolithic period.
Excavations have uncovered long, deep ditches with unusual ceramic finds inside. The presence of the ditches remains enigmatic and their function uncertain (perhaps they served to protect the village from rainfall or to prevent vicious animals and enemies from reaching the local inhabitants). The interest of archaeologists has turned to these ditches. These are long ditches, up to 13 meters deep, within which scholars have found considerable ceramic material including the bell-shaped tumbler and obsidian blades now on display at the Grifeo castle in Partanna.
The excavations were carried out by archaeologist Sebastiano Tusa; the scholar recovered what could still be saved from destruction.
From what was found it was concluded that the locals had relations with other peoples of Sicily. In the southern part is a spring used almost certainly for sacred rites related to life or perhaps, even more, to death.
Also at the archaeological site, an important find has resurfaced. It is a drilled skull, also on display in the museum of the nearby castle.
From the natural bone formation one can tell that the subject lived eleven months after the surgery.
The visit involves a walk of a couple of kilometers over steep terrain.
The visit involves a walk of a couple of kilometers over steep terrain.